This morning I got the phone call that I was dreading. It is common for me to talk to my mother before heading to work so I made little note of the fact that she was calling, but I think I knew something was up because I had that sinking feeling in my stomach before I even hit the call accept button.
"I just called to let you know that we are going to have to put Boo... him... to sleep." She said through the sobs. She couldn't say his name because as soon as she tried the tears burst forth and stalled her statement.
We knew it was a possibility. But we had faith that it wouldn't happen. He apparently had some disease that male cats are prone to that causes him to continually get painful Urinary Tract Infections. Medication didn't help, and our last try... a steroid failed us too aparently. So today his fate was decided. We would put him out of the pain, but that would mean that I lose my twin.
Despite what others knew about him he really was my feline twin. My roommates used to laugh when they would come home and he and I would be laying in the living room both alseep laying the exact same way next to each other (either stretched out real long or curled up in a ball). He was my protector, always watching out to make sure I was safe and no one would do me harm. Heck he even bit my boyfriend at the time as he tried to climb up into the top bunk with me warning him that he was under watch and better not do anything to harm me (plus lets face it he was jealous since he normally got to sleep with me).
Boomer (or as he loved me to call him Buttface) was a special cat. He was a survivor. There are so many times in his short life he should have died. He wa abandoned by his mother right after being born because he was trapped in a neighbors garage for 4 days without food. Somehow we nursed him to health and gave him to our dog Alexis to take care of and the two bonded. Bonded so much that they really believed they were mother and son.
Two dogs.
Yes... Boomer spent most of his life thinking he was a dog. He would chase other cats and watch them jump over a fence and turn around unaware of the fact he could do the same. He would fetch and bring me toys so we could play with him.
Boomer was that pet who could always make you feel loved when you didn't feel loved. And he always was there for me. It might sound silly but he knew when I needed someone to be there and he would come up and curl into my lap just to remind me that I wasn't alone. He was always going to be the first of my million cats I would have when I am an old senile man who lives by himself surrounded by millions of cats, but unfortunately fate decided something else for him.
He was a great pet and truly a part of me. I will miss him deeply. Much love Boomer.
"I just called to let you know that we are going to have to put Boo... him... to sleep." She said through the sobs. She couldn't say his name because as soon as she tried the tears burst forth and stalled her statement.
We knew it was a possibility. But we had faith that it wouldn't happen. He apparently had some disease that male cats are prone to that causes him to continually get painful Urinary Tract Infections. Medication didn't help, and our last try... a steroid failed us too aparently. So today his fate was decided. We would put him out of the pain, but that would mean that I lose my twin.
Despite what others knew about him he really was my feline twin. My roommates used to laugh when they would come home and he and I would be laying in the living room both alseep laying the exact same way next to each other (either stretched out real long or curled up in a ball). He was my protector, always watching out to make sure I was safe and no one would do me harm. Heck he even bit my boyfriend at the time as he tried to climb up into the top bunk with me warning him that he was under watch and better not do anything to harm me (plus lets face it he was jealous since he normally got to sleep with me).
Boomer (or as he loved me to call him Buttface) was a special cat. He was a survivor. There are so many times in his short life he should have died. He wa abandoned by his mother right after being born because he was trapped in a neighbors garage for 4 days without food. Somehow we nursed him to health and gave him to our dog Alexis to take care of and the two bonded. Bonded so much that they really believed they were mother and son.
Two dogs.
Yes... Boomer spent most of his life thinking he was a dog. He would chase other cats and watch them jump over a fence and turn around unaware of the fact he could do the same. He would fetch and bring me toys so we could play with him.
Boomer was that pet who could always make you feel loved when you didn't feel loved. And he always was there for me. It might sound silly but he knew when I needed someone to be there and he would come up and curl into my lap just to remind me that I wasn't alone. He was always going to be the first of my million cats I would have when I am an old senile man who lives by himself surrounded by millions of cats, but unfortunately fate decided something else for him.
He was a great pet and truly a part of me. I will miss him deeply. Much love Boomer.
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