Monday, October 15, 2007

I'm still alive!

Ok, so it has been quite longer than I hoped between posts. I promise that there is a good reason I left my thoughts away from this place for so long.

Basically it is because a long while back when I had my first online journal (over at livejournal), I realized how they often became hot-beds of negativity. People would pour out their negative energy and thoughts into their blog and in turn their blog would react with the energy and spread this negativity into their life. People would begin to focus on negative things in life so they had something to post and things just got nasty.

So basically what I am saying is my Amazing August was followed by a pretty turbulent and sucky September. So much stuff happened during the month that often I am almost always surprised that I survived with a smile and sanity. I went from opening up to someone about how I felt, to being heartbroken, then back to happy as things worked out for me. I moved into a great apartment, but left behind some great friends back in Chino.

One lesson I will say though, is that while things seem like they suck at the time it is funny how now when I look back and reflect I see a lot of positive things and lessons I learned along the way. Sure it sucked then, but it is all past and now I can recognize and think about the great things that also happened in that crazy, wild ride of a month.

But rest assured, as I have been chatting with everyone about this journal I have started to think up so many posts I want to put down and have become re-energized about this whole blog thing so hopefully I can now stick onto that type of pattern.

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